JSH international™ is committed to making quality products and contributing to a greener world.
As CEO of JSH international, I am proud to lead our Company in making the vision of our founder Jirair S. Hovnanian a reality. Mr. Hovnanian’s vision was to help make this a healthier and more environmentally friendly world to live in.
Our company is passionate about the products that we manufacture because of the positive impact that they have in restoring a healthy balance to our ecosystem. Our green products have demonstrated a dramatic impact by harnessing the power of natural materials to improve biological efficiency, and reduce our dependence on chemicals, fossil fuels, and water usage. This is a huge step forward in creating a cleaner, healthier, more sustainable world.
JSHi is a bio-environmental company. Our products are designed to be effective and improve the native biology of the environments in which we are active. After trying our patented, all-natural solutions, our customers were not only satisfied — they were amazed!
I invite you to browse through our website and see how our powerful, all-natural products are helping to increase world food production, increase renewable energy, improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, promote environmental stewardship and create healthier, greener communities around the world.
Kevin Mulvihill, CEO, JSH international
JSH international Leadership
Stephen Hovnanian
Peter Hovnanian
Gerry Savidge
Director of sales
Jim Taylor
Operations and R&D
Tanya Hovnanian
Marketing & Business Affairs Manager